Kauno mokykla-darželis „Rūtelė”




Primary (elementary) school admissions are to be carried out in accordance with criteria detailed in „Priėmimo į Kauno miesto savivaldybės bendrojo ugdymo mokyklas tvarkos apraše“.


Admissions policies

            Changes to schools’ admissions’ orders

            Kaunas’ “Rūtelė” school-kindergarten territory

            User manual - instructions on how to use the system

            Assigned territories to admit persons for primary education

            On policies of centralised admissions of children to Kaunas city council-founded public education institutions’ pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs

Atnaujinta: 2024-05-30
  • Elektroniniai dienynai
  • Tėvams
  • Mokiniams
  • Mokytojams
6. 13.05 - 13.50
  • 1. 08.00 - 08.45
  • 2. 09.00 - 09.45
  • 3. 10.00 - 10.45
  • 4. 11.05 - 11.50
  • 5. 12.10 - 12.55
  • 6. 13.05 - 13.50